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Customer Journey Mapping

Customers are not happy or loyal even when we provide good product and service? Waiting time are still too long, assistance so hard to get, the experience is too blend and lacking interaction.

Good service is not enough, and Customer Journey Map helps you rediscover the customers you should care, redesign your customer journey, so you can impress your customers in the experiential economy.
Getting everyone at stake on board
Step 1
Getting everyone at stake on board
Identify the customer group for journey customization
Step 2
Identify the customer group for journey customization
Map out the customer journey
Step 3
Map out the customer journey
Identify what customers care and hate in the journey
Step 4
Identify what customers care and hate in the journey
Align findings and redesign customer journey
Step 5
Align findings and redesign customer journey
Develop sustainable practice to measure and reinforce
Step 6
Develop sustainable practice to measure and reinforce

Getting everyone at stake on board

Providing excellent customer journey is not a one-man task. It involves redesigning the service flow and process behind to make it effortless and accessible to our customers. It takes effort and a lot of changes. So it cannot be done without everyone at stake on board.

Identify the customer group for journey customization

Different customers go through the journey differently, wanting and hating different things. So before the design process, we have to know the core customer types, what they want, hate, and don’t care respectively, and design the journey accordingly. Sometimes we have a group of customers in higher priority, the journey should run smoothly and easier for this group first.

Map out the customer journey

The customer journey is long and complicated, with lots of touch points, with different teams and channels involved. Before identifying the points that impress or irritate customers most, it helps to map out the customer journey on a customer journey map

Identify what customers care and hate in the journey

The best way to know what customers care (moments of truth) and hate (pain points) in the journey is to talk to them directly or to people who know them. Some good practices including customer in-depth interviews, crew interview, and customer service case studies.

Align findings and redesign customer journey

With the customer journey map completed, it is crucial to have all stakeholders on the same page regarding what the customer journey looks like, what the targeted customer care, and what they care and hate. Then it is time to redesign the customer journey that takes out the pain points and makes our customers happy.

Develop sustainable practice to measure and reinforce

Effective implementation is the key to an excellent customer journey, but it can only be done with regularized measurement and reinforcement. Developing measurement metrics, setting regularized, assigning leaders to oversee the entire customer journey and solve problems in the way are all crucial aspects of success.