
To reach the tip of the top

啓發不同企業的潛能  攀登卓越管理的高峰










We would like to thank Tiptop for implementing the Sales Management Programme with great success. The result was very encouraging. The recent internal 360-degree survey showed that the behaviours of our staff have improved. Special thanks to Tiptop's consultants. They demonstrated great professionalism throughout the project which includes system development, intensive skills training, and field coaching.
Mr. Brian Cheng

(Head of Training and Development Division)

The level of professionalism, expertise, and dedication exhibited by Tiptop has been instrumental in the success of our projects. From planning to execution, Tiptop has consistently provided valuable insights and steadfast support, ensuring that our collaboration yields the best possible outcomes.
Calvin Lee

(Director & General Manager)

Tiptop was able to adapt the training format and content to be relevant to the client's need. Elena's strong facilitation skills allows her to engage the audience and pace the entire training with her high energy. A highly experienced team with professionalism and great service from the consultation, facilitation, and post training follow up.
Eunice Phang

(Learning Excellence Manager, Corporate Retail)

Tiptop 是一間專業、經驗豐富、負責任、由心出發去幫助客人的公司。自2018年起,但馬屋一直與Tiptop合作無間。 Tiptop 的顧問 Clement和Ricky能針對我們的痛點,為我們度身訂做不同的培訓項目,當中包括服務提升計劃、員工職能發展及神秘顧客調研項目等。在過程中,天高的顧問及團隊,都非常用心地令每個項目達致理想效果, 當中 的每個細節都考慮周詳,非常專業。我們真的很高興找到如此合拍的合作伙伴。

Ms. Alky Yip

(General Manager)

We want you to know how pleased we are with the outstanding service your team have given us. Last year, we accomplished 2 campaigns altogether with a very tight schedule, we nailed it from impossible to possible. We sincerely appreciate the way you conduct business - the seamless, thoughtful, professional service that your team provided. Your team truly demonstrated what the best customer service really are, we acknowledge not only the skillful consultant Ricky, but the whole exceptional business team Vera and Katherine.

Mr. Max Mak

(Associate Vice President, Learning & Development​)

We would like to thank Tiptop for implementing the Sales Management Programme with great success. The result was very encouraging. The recent internal 360-degree survey showed that the behaviours of our staff have improved. Special thanks to Tiptop's consultants. They demonstrated great professionalism throughout the project which includes system development, intensive skills training, and field coaching.
Mr. Brian Cheng

(Head of Training and Development Division)

The level of professionalism, expertise, and dedication exhibited by Tiptop has been instrumental in the success of our projects. From planning to execution, Tiptop has consistently provided valuable insights and steadfast support, ensuring that our collaboration yields the best possible outcomes.
Calvin Lee

(Director & General Manager)

  • 聯絡我們:
    (852) 2990 9828
    (852) 9424 9582